Steep Slope Memorandum from the Loudoun County Preservation and Conservation Coalition
Final Steep Slope Letter of Opposition to Certain Proposed Changes to Steep Slope Standards
Blue Ridge Conservation Corridor
A Blue Ridge Conservation Corridor that preserves and protects a highly threatened portion of the Blue Ridge Mountains between Route 66 in Virginia and the Potomac River in West Virginia, created by a coalition of citizens and organizations working together on actions that address the threats facing our mountains. Download document.
Blue Ridge Mountain Organizations
Blue Ridge Parkway
Blue Ridge Heritage Area
Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club
The Mountain Institute
Mountain Forum
International Center For Integrated Mountain Development
The Mountain Partnership
Resources First Foundation
Conservation Tax Center
Private Landowner Network
National Park Service: Blue Ridge Parkway
Blue Ridge 2020: An Owner’s Manual by Steve Nash. University of North Carolina Press, 1999.
Stonewall in the Valley: Thomas J. Stonewall Jackson’s Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Spring 1862 by Robert G. Tanner. Stackpole Books, Pennsylvania, 1996.
The Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains: An Explorer’s Guide by Jim Hargan. Countryman Press, 2008.
Blue Ridge Mountains: America’s First Frontier by Jerry D. Greer, Mountain Trail Press, 2004
Music Makers of the Blue Ridge Plateau: (Images of America: Virginia) by Blue Ridge Music Makers Guild Inc., 2008.
Insiders’ Guide to Virginia’s Blue Ridge by Mary Alice Blackwell and Anne Patterson Causey, 2005.
Bridge Crew: Growing UP in the Blue Ridge Mountains in the 1940’s and 50’s by Samuel E. Shumate, 2006.
The Unofficial Guide to the Great Smoky and Blue Ridge Region by Bob Sehlinger and Joe Surkiewicz, 2001.
Blue Mountain Memories: A story of a Blue Ridge Mountain and the people who live there by F. Long Richard, 2006.
Wildflowers of the Shenandoah Valley and Blue Ridge Mountains by Oscar W. Gupton and Fred C. Swope, 2002.
Blue Ridge Nature Journal: Reflections on the Appalachian Mountains in the Essays and Art by George Ellison and Elizabeth Ellison, 2006.
Folk Songs of the Blue Ridge Mountains by Herbert Shellans, 2007.
Blue Ridge Folklife by Ted Olson, 1998.
Blue Ridge Music Trails: Finding a Place in the Circle by Fred C. Fessell, 2003.
Park Profiles: Blue Ridge Range by National Geographic, 1998.
The Height of Our Mountains: Nature Writing from Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains and Shenandoah Valley by Michael P Branch and Daniel J. Philippon, 1998.
Barefoot Boy: An Anthology of Blue Ridge Poems by Larry Aaron, 2006.
Birds of Shanandoah National Park, Blue Ridge Parkway and Shenandoah National Park: A Field Guide by Dr. Ernest P. Edwards, 2006