Friends President addresses Planning Commission
The Loudoun County Planning Commission held a public hearing on the draft zoning ordinance on January 24, 2023.
Peter Weeks, President of Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains spoke on behalf of Friends to raise a number of concerns about the inadequate protections against overdevelopment in the Mountain Overlay District (MOD).
In his remarks Peter specifically mentioned that the new zoning ordinance, as currently drafted, would permit a number of l and uses that are inappropriate for the thin soils, steep slopes, and extensive tree cover of the mountains. Permitted uses include sawmills, retail, sit-down restaurants, and resorts. These and many other uses permitted in the draft ordinance would generate significant traffic and associated parking, requiring the removal of trees and vegetation. In addition, the noise, lighting, and trash are not compatible with the biodiversity and animal life that are so important to the mountain environment. You can read Peter’s remarks here.
Many other speakers echoed similar concerns that the zoning ordinance as currently drafted will not protect against overdevelopment in the mountains. At a minimum, protecting and growing Loudoun County’s tourism industry demands protections for the Mountains which attract so many people.
On the basis of all of the concerns about the mountains and other issues raised at the Public Hearing, the Planning Commission pledged to carefully and thoroughly review all aspects of the draft ordinance through a series of working sessions. The next working session of the Planning Commission will be held on February 9, 2023. |
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