Happenings Around the Blue Ridge – September 29, 2022
October 1 — Work Day at JK Black Oak: Plant Rescue — 9:00 am – Noon
The Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy is sponsoring a workday at the JK Black Oak Wildlife Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is a beautiful 87-acre wildlife preserve located in Lucketts.
The habitat restoration project for this workday will be a plant rescue. Volunteers will dig up native plants from the meadow on the east side of the property, transport them to the west side and plant them in a meadow there. All plants will be marked so plant identification skills are not required but experience with transplanting and planting skills are requested. Please be aware that poison ivy and ticks are present in the meadows. Long sleeves and pants, gard
ening gloves and insect repellant are recommended.
Additional information and directions to the site will be provided by the Wildlife Conservancy a couple of days before the workday. 20 volunteers needed. Registration required. Rain date is October 8.
Questions: Contact Volunteer Coordinator Kim Strader at kstrader@loudounwildlife.org.
October 1 — Bluegrass in The Gap Americana Festival – 3:00 to 10:00 PM
From traditional to modern, Bluegrass fills the air from The Gap Stage in Hillsboro with the grounds festooned with an Americana Festival featuring colorful quilts and crafts.
The event is free.
The festival is at the Old Stone School — 37098 Charles Town Pike • Hillsboro, VA 20132
(540) 486-8001
October 2 – “RIDGELINE” Flash Art Experience—6:00 to 8:00 PM
This free event is open to grade school students and their parents in the Fauquier/Loudoun County area. It will be a one-of-a-kind evening, with live music and dance performances on a mile-long airstrip as the sun sets behind the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Guests will participate in an experiential art project and gather as a community to learn about some of the plants that make our region special. RIDGELINE is a 500-person community collaboration created by ET PROJECTS, jointly hosted by the Oak Spring Garden Foundation and Piedmont Environmental Council.
LED lit umbrellas, with images inspired by regional endangered flora become pixels when carried by community participants for drones filming the Blue Ridge Mountain environment at sunset.
Location: Rokeby Farm – Airstrip 1776 Loughborough Lane Upperville, VA 20184
The event will include — Cookies and farm-fresh snacks grown on-site at the Biocultural Conservation Farm; Seed saving demonstration; Learn about endangered native plant species; Drones overhead capturing movements and patterns; and special take-home gift for K-12 students.
Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/et-projects-ridgeline-tickets-304805751207
October 8 — Willowsford Riparian Planting – 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Join Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy for a riparian buffer planting at the Willowsford Conservancy. Riparian buffers are instrumental in filtering pollutants from rainwater runoff before it enters local streams and waterways. Volunteers will plant approximately 300 native trees/shrubs an install guards to protect them from deer browse. 50 volunteers needed. Registration required. Rain date: October 15.
Questions about volunteering: Contact Volunteer Coordinator, Kim Strader, at kstrader@loudounwildlife.org
October 13 — Tree Planting at Bonny Brook Farm — 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Join the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) for a volunteer tree planting at Bonny Brook Farm in Fauquier County on Thursday, October 13!
Volunteers are needed for one shift, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., to help plant 55 native trees and shrubs along Cedar Run to enhance water quality and wildlife habitat as part of PEC’s Potomac Planting Program.
Volunteer activities include tree planting, which involves scalping (removing grass with a hoe), digging holes, planting, and pounding wooden stakes. This is a family-friendly event, and volunteers of all ages are welcome! Volunteers under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
This event is rain or shine. In the event of dangerous weather, PEC will reschedule the day’s planting. PEC will provide all of the necessary tools for planting, extra water, and snacks (no lunch will be provided – please pack your own). The terrain is mostly flat, with approximately a half-mile walk to the planting site.
Location: Bonny Brook Farm — 8446 Old Dumfries Rd, Catlett, VA 20119
Sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904094aaea62ba6fb6-tree3
October 23, 2022 — Sunset in the Field! — 4 pm – 7 pm
The Land Trust of Virginia is sponsoring its annual fund-raising event – Sunset in the Field — at Farmer’s Delight, a country estate dating back to pre-Revolutionary America. Farmer’s Delight was built in 1791 by Colonel Joseph Flavius Lane. The Federal style brick plantation house incorporates elements of Georgian architecture. It was added to the national Register of Historic Places in June 1973.
Grab the family and join the celebration for the tastiest BBQ from the legendary Shaffer’s BBQ, and music by the iconic bluegrass band, The Seldom Scene, while watching the sunset.
Ticket prices start at $110.
Location — 36276 Mountville Rd, Middleburg, VA 20117
To register — https://landtrustva.org/2022events/fieldparty-tickets/
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