Friendship and Fellowship Reign at Annual Meeting

Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains held our annual meeting on October 12. George Ohrstrom, the winner of our 2023 Friend of the Mountain award, generously hosted the event at his farm – Camden near Boyce Virginia.
With approximately 70 people in attendance; wonderful Bar-B-Que supplied by the award-winning Jordan Springs Market and music by the Keith Dill/Kevin Slack duo the evening was a total success.
For 2024 our Friend of the Mountain Award went to Gem Bingol, with the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC). Gem has been a field representative with PEC since 1998 and covers land use and transportation issues in Loudoun County. Gem’s focus is on helping citizens make a positive impact on their communities. In addition to grassroots networking and general land use issues, she focuses on water quality & wetlands and includes local foods and sustainable family farming in her special interests. She currently chairs Loudoun County’s Environmental Commission and sits on the County Zoning Ordinance Committee (ZOC). She has been a volunteer stream monitor and trainer since 1997. Gem has a master’s degree in environmental education and ecopsychology, with an undergraduate degree in psychology.
George Ohrstrom gave a detailed, and enlightening presentation discussing the impact of the heavy concentration of data centers — and the incredible amount of energy they consume – on the environment.
Carole Napolitano, Chairman of the FBRM Education Committee announced a new partnership with the Clarke County school system in which Clarke county High school seniors will be eligible to receive education grants that FBRM awards each spring. We raised in excess of $3,000 for the education fund at the event.
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