Announce Your Support for the Blue Ridge Mountains
We know you love the Blue Ridge Mountains. They are a wonderful resource for the benefit of wildlife, hikers, and all of us who enjoy the unique history and scenic beauty.
Not only are they majestic but our mountains are an important part of our local economy supporting thousands of jobs in the hospitality industry. The mountain environment generates millions of tons of oxygen each year while simultaneously sequestering vast amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases and filtering millions of gallons of water flowing into our streams and the Chesapeake Bay.
The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles has an interesting way to tell the world that you are a Friend of the Blue Ridge Mountains. For an extra $10 – in addition to the registration fee and the $25 dollar plate fee — you can order a personalized license plate saying, “Friends of the Blue Ridge”.
According to the DMV website “As a revenue-sharing plate, after the sale of the first 1,000 qualifying plates, $15.00 of the $25.00 fee is transferred to Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway, Inc. to support its operation and programs in Virginia. A portion of your fee may be tax deductible.
We at FBRM are happy to support our friends at Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway.
To order your personalized Friends of the Blue Ridge plates go to
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