Supervisor Laura TeKrony introducing two conservation Initiatives
In an interview with Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains Supervisor TeKrony (Little River District) outlined two initiatives she will be pursuing over the next several months.
Department of Energy and Environment – At the April 16thBusiness Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (BOS), Ms. Tekrony will propose a Board Member Initiative (BMI) to study establishing a Department of Energy and Environment for Loudoun County.
Currently the expertise that the BOS needs to address the many complex and technical issues associated with meeting both the energy needs of the County and the environmental goals are scattered throughout many departments, particularly the Department of General Services. The proposed BMI will authorize the study of consolidating the various technical experts into a single Department and as necessary bring on additional expertise to address the exceedingly complicated issues the County is going to face in the coming years.
Loudoun’s existing data centers are currently demanding dramatic increases in energy and the demands will only increase. The County is struggling with the location and environmental impacts of several new and exceedingly large power lines to meet the needs. Dominion Power has warned that blackouts are a strong possibility in the County and Dominion Power says it needs to locate 44 new substations throughout the county in the next couple of years.
All of this has huge implications for the environment, for protecting prime soils, and our wine and tourism industries.
Both DC and Montgomery County have Departments of Energy and the Environment. Loudoun should be leveraging best practices.
Supervisor Tekrony anticipates Board support for her proposed BMI initiating a study and would like to see a department established during the term of the current Board.
Purchase Development Rights (PDR) Demonstration – At its March meeting, the BOS eliminated funding for two of the three positions associated with initiating a PDR program in the County.
Supervisor TeKrony plus Kershner (R-Catoctin), Turner (D-Ashburn), and BOS Chair Randall (D-At Large) voted to oppose eliminating the funding but the motion passed 5 to 4 – see the 3/21/2024 edition of Happenings Around the Blue Ridge for more information.
Supervisor Tekrony is going to propose a small demonstration PDR program for one or two projects in Eastern Loudoun to show the value of a PDR program for the entire County not just the western, rural areas. The demonstration will probably focus on a parcel associated with the Potomac Heritage Trail.
22 Virginia localities currently have PDR programs including Clarke, Fauquier, Shenandoah, Rappahannock, and Stafford counties. The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) helps fund local PDR programs and recently announced awards totaling $875,000 from the Virginia Farmland Preservation Fund to six localities including Clarke, Fauquier, Shenandoah, and Stafford Counties.
Supervisor TeKrony anticipates that the small demonstration project that she will propose will help convince all Supervisors of the benefits of the PDR program for the entire County. LPM |
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