Friends Signs Declaration by the Loudoun Transmission Line Alliance
Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains joins numerous environmental/conservation organizations including the Waterford Foundation Inc., Catoctin Creek Scenic River Advisory Committee, Between the Hills Conservancy, Loudoun County Heritage Com mission, and Old Dominion Land Conservancy to sign a Declaration prepared by the Loudoun Transmission Line Alliance (LTLA).
The declaration expresses concern about the route through rural Western Loudoun County of the proposed 500 kV transmission line, known as the MidAtlantic Resiliency Link (MARL)
The declaration reads in part:
“We, the undersigned stakeholders, representing business, preservation, agricultural, environmental, and community organizations in Loudoun County, Virginia, call upon NextEra Energy to avoid building a new power corridor through rural Loudoun County, in view of the negative impact of such construction on the agricultural community, local economy, heritage and natural resources, and residents of the region. We strenuously oppose construction of new “greenfield” lines in rural areas of the County. All new transmission lines should be located within existing power corridors …”
In addition, Friends has established its own “MARL Work Group”. The FBRM Work Group will focus on the portion of the MARL that is proposed to cross the Blue Ridge.
Please volunteer to be part of our MARL Work Group.
The greater the involvement of our members the stronger our impact will be. For information on volunteering please contact Larry Malone, FBRM Executive Director, 703/709-1066 or
One element of our response to the MARL construction that the FBRM Board is considering is to urge a requirement that for every tree destroyed during construction, at least two new trees must be planted. Trees are a CO2 sink and an efficient, affordable tool for reducing green house gases. On the other hand, generating and transmitting energy over the MARL to Northern Virginia’s data centers adds tremendously to greenhouse gases. A modest investment in planting new trees is the minimum that should be required of the energy and data industries to offset their contribution to climate change. LPM
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