We all take for granted the role the Blue Ridge Mountains play in our lives. The mountains clean our water, and convert our carbon dioxide to oxygen, the mountains slow our rainfall preventing erosion. And they do all this for free. If we had to build a water-filtering, oxygen-generating, erosion-preventing machine what would it look like and how much would it cost? Try to imagine what building and running such a machine 24/7 would add to your tax bill. Incidentally, the mountains do all of this while providing grand vistas, and vast acres for recreation.
Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains Give Choose Campaign

However, we take these benefits for granted at our peril. Despite its appearance, the Blue Ridge is a delicate ecosystem that can be destroyed with frightening ease and speed. Worldwide climate change is already seriously stressing the capacity of the mountain environment to clean our air and our water. Add to that the threats from over-development, building on the mountain slopes, cutting the tree cover, increasing traffic and the results could quickly become catastrophic.
The mission of Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains is to “preserve, enhance and celebrate the Blue Ridge Mountains as a valuable resource and treasured space for present and future generations.” The preserving portion of that mission is becoming increasingly difficult and increasingly important.
Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains depends upon the generous financial support of those who love and depend upon the Mountains.
We ask you to donate to help Friends to continue to be your voice to help preserve the Blue Ridge Mountains for you and your children and your grandchildren’s grandchildren.
This year, the annual Give Choose campaign runs from March 15th through March 29th.
Please go to www.givechoose.org/fbrm and invest in helping us to continue to be your voice to preserve, enhance and celebrate the Blue Ridge Mountains.