Education and Stewardship
May 17, 2019
Dear Friends of Friends, Recently we lost someone who has been at the core of Friends’work over the past 5+ years. Jed Shilling, recently retired Friends Board member, died of complications of ALS in California where he had moved in December to be close to his […]
Mar 28, 2019
Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains presented special awards totaling $500 at the 38th Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) Regional Science & Engineering Fair (RSEF), held this year at Riverside High School in Leesburg. A record-breaking 324 students participated in this event, an increase of […]
Dec 14, 2016
In 2015, Friends received a gift and a challenge. The gift was the generous offer, from a longstanding member of Friends, of seed money in the amount of $5,000 to start an endowment for the sake of ensuring that we could fund, over the indefinite […]
Jun 4, 2016
Dear Friends and Neighbors, As we indicated in our post of May 19, 2016, AT&T is proposing to construct a 160,000 square foot facility (the equivalent of nearly 3 football fields) on their property at the top of Short Hill Mountain. The proposed structure would […]
May 19, 2016
With little public notice or input, the Loudoun County Planning Commission has voted to approve AT&T’s request for a commission permit to build a 160,000 square foot (3.5 acre), 35 foot tall facility on the ridge of Short Hill Mountain in western Loudoun. The Commission’s […]
Nov 7, 2015
Despite a chill in the air and and early morning rain, Friends had an excellent turnout for our 2015 Autumn Stewardship Volunteer Day. On November 7 volunteers braved the wet and came out to Blue Ridge Regional Park. In just a few hours about a mile of densely […]
8Jun 19, 2015
Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains presented two Jane Pratt Blue Ridge Mountains Education Awards in 2015 to Samantha Iliff of Loudoun County, VA, and Michael Long of Jefferson County, WV. The Award is presented annually to High School students who satisfy certain requirements, including a clear commitment to environmental stewardship and volunteer […]